●年末年始休暇 12/25水~1/3金
夏の蝉の鳴き声が容赦なく響く灼熱の体育館。でも意外なほど南風が館内を強く吹抜け、バスケをしている自分達には心地よい環境に感じられた。これでもかというほどの汗をかきながら練習に励んだ一日の終わり。日も傾き始めて、蝉の鳴き声の主役がヒグラシに代わる。風はそのおかげか温度が下がり心地よさを増して我々を包んでくれた。練習後の快適なひと時。そんな夏の日の練習終わりの夕方が好きだった、我が母校石橋高校。特にこれといった取柄もない学校だったはずが、後輩達が違う一面を見せてくれた。創立100周年にして初めての夏の甲子園出場。素晴らしい、そして驚きだった。一昨年の春に21世紀枠で特別出場を果たした時も「奇跡」だと驚いたが、今回は実力で勝ち取った全国への切符。驚きも2倍。大したものだ。そしてこんなチャンスは二度とないと、名ばかりOBの自分はそう、今まで縁の無い場所だとずっと思っていた夢の甲子園に足を運んだ。 初戦は東北宮城の強豪校。初出場だったとのこと。素人の自分が観戦してても分かるくらい相手は緊張していた。これが甲子園の魔物というものなのか。一方我が後輩達は一昨年の経験がものを言ったのか、堂々たる戦いぶりで見事初勝利。そして自分は忘れていた校歌を歌うはめになった。。。 次の試合は勝てばベスト8という大変な試合。相手はやはり同じ東北青森の甲子園常連校だった。常に全国で鍛え抜かれているこのレベルには、後輩達も歯が立たなかった。 全国を経験して、各人達にとっては貴重な経験が出来たのではないか。滅多に出来ないこの経験。これを糧に各方面に羽ばたいて行ってほしいと思う。 自分もお陰でいい経験をさせてもらいました。たこ焼きもお好み焼きも本場の物が食べられたし…(笑) 本当に有難うございました。そしてお疲れさまでした!
昨年も暑い日が長く続きましたが、今年は昨年以上じゃないですかね。天候がおかしくなってきていると益々実感します。 世間でもおかしな「事」が起きてますね。犯罪は今や直接じゃなくても、ネットで脅迫が出来て、人を支配出来て犯罪行為をさせて… ネット社会とは言いますが益々普及してて、上手に使える人が得する世の中になってきてるんだなと思います。 選挙もネットでどれだけ騒がれるかで票が取れるなんて。結果が全てとは言いますが、どうなのでしょう。 選挙と言えばトランプさん、ついに4年越しの再選です!良い悪いは別として、すごい執念とパワーを感じます。何かが起きちゃう、起こしちゃうのかなと。心配?ワクワク?ですね。 自分事。もっとネットと上手く付き合っていかなきゃいけませんね~!\(^o^)/
The relentless sound of cicadas echoed through the scorching gymnasium. Yet, surprisingly, the strong south wind blew through the hall, creating a comfortable environment for us playing basketball. At the end of a day of intense practice, drenched in sweat, the sun began to set, and the cicadas' chorus was replaced by the evening cicadas. The wind, now cooler, wrapped us in a pleasant embrace. I loved those summer evenings after practice at my alma mater, Ishibashi High School. It was a school without any particular distinction, but my juniors showed a different side. For the first time in its 100-year history, the school made it to the summer Koshien. It was amazing and surprising. When they made a special appearance in the 21st-century frame two springs ago, it was called a "miracle," but this time they earned their ticket to the national stage with their skills. The surprise was doubled. It was quite something. And thinking this chance would never come again, I, a nominal OB, set foot in the dream Koshien, a place I had always thought was out of reach. The first match was against a strong team from Miyagi, Tohoku. It was their first appearance. Even as an amateur spectator, I could tell they were nervous. Is this what they call the magic of Koshien? On the other hand, my juniors, perhaps benefiting from their experience two years ago, fought with confidence and won their first victory. And I ended up singing the school song I had forgotten... The next match was a tough one, with a spot in the top 8 at stake. The opponent was a regular Koshien team from Aomori, Tohoku. My juniors couldn't match the level of a team constantly trained on the national stage. Experiencing the national stage, each of them must have gained valuable experience. This rare experience. I hope they will use it as a stepping stone to soar in various fields. Thanks to them, I also had a great experience. I got to eat authentic takoyaki and okonomiyaki... (laughs) Thank you very much, and well done!
Last year, the hot days continued for a long time, but this year seems even hotter. I increasingly feel that the weather is getting strange. Strange things are happening in the world too. Crimes can now be committed online, with threats and control over people, leading to criminal acts... They say it's a networked society, but it's becoming a world where those who can use it well benefit. Even elections can be influenced by how much noise is made online. They say results are everything, but what do you think? Speaking of elections, Mr. Trump has finally been re-elected after four years! Whether good or bad, I feel a tremendous determination and power. Will something happen, or will he make something happen? It's a mix of worry and excitement. As for myself, I need to get along better with the internet! \(o)/
Now, let me deliver the checkbox this time as well. (Daichi Juken / Yuji Ogawa)